Co-Producing Public Safety: A Collaborative Effort

Co-Producing Public Safety: Communities, Law Enforcement, and Public Health Researchers Work to Prevent Crime Together
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
Sarah Schweig, Nazmia E.A. Comrie, John Markovic
The Co-Producing Safety article cover page

Abstract: Many jurisdictions are seeking ways to prevent violence through a multidisciplinary approach, treating it as a public health issue as well as a crime problem. To identify the most effective ways to do this, the California Endowment, the Center for Court Innovation, and the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) met with law enforcement executives, public health professionals, and others in a roundtable discussion titled "Spreading a Cure for Crime." This report summarizes the discussion and its recommendations for moving forward.