Law Enforcement Technology-Are Small and Rural Agencies Equipped and Trained?

Law Enforcement Technology-Are Small and Rural Agencies Equipped and Trained? - National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
National Institute of Justice
Eastern Kentucky University's Justice and Safety Center
Law Enforcement Tech Cover

Small and rural law enforcement agencies use—and are well trained in the use of—computers and communications-related technologies. But they are not making full use of other specialized technologies that could be useful to them in performing their law enforcement functions. This is one of the findings from a recent national study that surveyed small agencies about their use of technology and their technology training needs. Technologies underused in small agencies include car-mounted mobile digital/data terminals, digital imaging for fingerprints or suspect composites, mapping systems, night vision equipment, and less-lethal weapons. This Research for Practice discusses the study, the limitations most small agencies face, and where to go for information about obtaining equipment and training.