Policing, Prosecution, and a Community Effort

Intelligence-Led Community Policing, Community Prosecution, and Community Partnerships (IL3CP)
International Association of Chiefs of Police
Intelligence-Led Community Policing, Community Prosecution, and Community Partnerships (IL3CP) report cover

Intelligence-Led Community Policing, Community Prosecution, and Community Partnerships (IL3CP) is a unique approach to community policing that extends community partnerships to include prosecutorial and community service organizations along with law enforcement. This new model connects the criminal justice system and the community through seamless communication and partnerships.

The foundation for IL3CP is built on the established organizational structure of the Rockland County, New York, District Attorney’s Office (RCDAO) which has tied together the concepts of intelligence led policing, community policing, community prosecution, and community partnerships. The RCDAO focuses on the collection, evaluation, and analysis of information that can identify criminal activity. This intelligence information is used by local, state and federal law enforcement agencies throughout the New York metropolitan area, the state of New York, and in some cases, across the country, to develop plans to prevent/reduce criminal activity. Compstat style meetings are also held with individual police departments and RCDAO personnel to discuss crime trends, ongoing activities, and develop enforcement projects. Through its office-wide philosophy of community prosecution, RCDAO Assistant District Attorneys (ADAs) and RCDAO detectives partner with local law enforcement agencies and community residents to identify problems and formulate solutions. ADAs are assigned to local police agencies where they work cooperatively with police officers, attend local community meetings, and develop relationships with residents to identify and resolve local concerns and crime problems. ADAs also practice vertical prosecution, following all cases from their assigned jurisdictions through the criminal justice system. In addition to vigorous prosecution, ADAs utilize less traditional, problem-solving solutions such as mediation or civil action to resolve cases in a more efficient and expedient manner. Through traditional community policing efforts of local police departments, partnerships are established with citizen groups, non-profit organizations, other government agencies and private companies that have a common interest in reducing crime and community problems. These partnerships connect the community with the entire criminal justice system to establish a collaborative approach and unified response to crime and community problems.