Engaging College Students in 21st Century Law Enforcement: Final Report

Engaging College Students in 21st Century Law Enforcement: Final Report
The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
Elsie L. Scott
engaging college

In the fall of 2015, Howard University’s Ronald W. Walters Leadership and Public Policy Center was 
notified that it would receive a Community Policing Development grant from the U.S. Department 
of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office). The grant was awarded 
for a study of police-community relations using college students to help drive the discussion on diversity and inclusion and how best to transform recruitment strategies for law enforcement agencies 
in the 21st Century. 
Data for this study were collected through two methods: focus groups and convenings between 
college students and law enforcement managers and supervisors. The focus groups were conducted 
in four regions of the United States—Midwest, East, South, and West Coast—during the summer 
and fall of 2016. The focus groups were conducted at Historically Black Colleges and Universities 
(HBCUs) and Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs) to ensure that most of the students included 
in the focus groups were African American. In addition to the discussion, focus groups were given a 
demographic survey that included a few questions about their experience with the police. The focus 
groups provided insight into how college students perceive police officers and how they believe 
relations between police and the Black community can be improved.