SPI Overview

Site NameSite CohortSite ResearcherSite FocusSite Strategy
Rochester, New York2012John M. Klofas, Ph.D., Rochester Institute of TechnologyViolent Retaliatory DisputesData-driven research, Place-based policing, Offender-based policing
Sacramento County, California2016Arturo Baiocchi, Ph.D., and Keith Hodson, California State University SacramentoHomelessnessPlace-based policing, Problem-oriented policing
Saginaw, Michigan2019Scott Wolfe, Ph.D., Michigan State UniversityViolent CrimeCommunity Policing, Problem-Oriented Policing, Focused Deterrence
Salisbury, North Carolina2019Jessica Herbert, Ph.D., IDEA AnalyticsResponding to Precipitous Increases to CrimeViolence Reduction, Technology
San Diego, California2010Cynthia Burke, Ph.D., Sandy Keaton, M.A., and Debbie Correia, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)GangsPlace-based policing, Offender-based policing, Intelligence-led policing
Savannah, Georgia2009Adam Bossler, Ph.D., Georgia Southern University, Department of Criminal Justice and CriminologyViolent OffendersPlace-based policing, Offender-based policing
Shawnee, Kansas2011Kevin Bryant, Ph.D., Benedictine CollegeData-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS)Place-based policing, Offender-based policing
Shoreline, Washington2015Charlotte Gill, Ph.D., George Mason University and Breanne Cave, Ph.D., Police FoundationMental Health DisorderEvidence-based interventions for mentally ill, Multi-agency collaboration
St. Louis County, Missouri2020Violent crime reductionCrime analysis assessment
St. Louis, Missouri2016Beth Huebner, Ph.D., University of Missouri - St. Louis & Joseph Schafer, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University - CarbondaleViolent Crime, Gun ViolenceHot spot policing, offender-oriented policing, criminal justice system collaboration