Evidence-Based Probation

Case Study: New York City Department of Probation’s Federal Partnership Efforts: Profile of a Successful Technical Assistance Collaboration With the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Institute of Corrections
Bureau of Justice Assistance, New York City Department of Probation, and National Institute of Corrections
Jason Ziedenberg
First page of document "Case Study: New York City Department of Probation’s Federal Partnership Efforts"

The New York City Department of Probation (DOP)—the second largest probation department in the country—is advancing a process to infuse evidence-based policies and practices (EBPP) throughout the organization. Building on a solid organizational foundation as well as on advances in the field over the past decade, the staff and leadership are driving initiatives to use better tools to design supervision strategies, utilize communications more effectively, and improve staff development through customized training so that senior leadership through line staff are invested in the new approach. They are also engaging community partners to build capacity so that DOP’s clients can thrive in the communities where they live.