Race and Policing: An Agenda for Action

Race and Policing: An Agenda for Action
Harvard Kennedy School Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management & National Institute of Justice
David H. Bayley, Michael A. Davis, Ronald L. Davis
First page of document "Race and Policing: An Agenda for Action"

The importance of race in policing has been demonstrated in discussions held since 2008 at the Second Executive Session on Policing and Public Safety at Harvard University. At almost every session, race emerged as a troubling preoccupation for police executives. The authors of this article suggested to the Session members that we try to cull an agenda for action. In 'Race and Policing: An Agenda for Action' the authors divide this agenda into two parts: The first, ‘Strategic Voice,' discusses what police should advocate in terms of policy in order to mitigate the effects of race in law-enforcement. The second, ‘Tactical Agency,’ proposes options for what the police can do on their own to address race both within their own organization and in the community at-large.