Returning Justice to the Community

Returning Justice to the Community: The Indianapolis Juvenile Restorative Justice Experiment
The Hudson Institute
Kay Crawford, Natalie Kroovand, Edmund McGarrell, Kathleen Olivares
The cover of the report.

This report presents the implementation and initial results of an experiment on the use of restorative justice conferences as an alternative response to early law breaking by young offenders. Restorative justice conferences bring the offending youth, the victim, and the supporters of both offender and victim together to discuss the incident and the harm brought to the victim and to the group of supporters. Conferences provide the opportunity for the victim to explain how they have been harmed and to ask questions of the offending youth. Supporters of both the victim and the offender have the opportunity to describe how they have been affected by the incident and their concerns about the youth's behavior. Conferences end with a reparation agreement in which all the participants reach an agreement for how the youth can make amends to the victim and the community.