Using Research To Move Policing Forward

Using Research To Move Policing Forward
National Institute of Justice
James Nolette
First page of document "Using Research To Move Policing Forward"

Captain James Nolette of the Fayetteville (North Carolina) Police Department discusses the importance of using evidence-based research to reduce crime. He describes how his department incorporates research into practice through programs like COMPSTAT and GPS offender monitoring. For the past two years, his department has collaborated with a research team from Rutgers University on a risk terrain modeling project, which has identified risk factors that attract crime in five city areas and, subsequently, helped reduce violent crime citywide by 11 percent. Nolette was a 2014 participant in the Law Enforcement Advancing Data and Science program, a partnership between NIJ and the International Association of Chiefs of Police that brings together researchers, policymakers and officers with the goal of helping law enforcement officers learn how to use research and integrate it into policing.